Thomas W. Jeffrey - Electromagnetics and Radar: Fundamentals of Systems Engineering for Defense Systems Applications read TXT, EPUB, DJV


Fundamentals of Systems Engineering for Defense Applications is a user guide to systems engineering with an emphasis on applications in the defense sector and a practical approach based on putting the theory and tools to work in real-life situations. The book is split into four sections to provide a complete introduction to systems engineering theory and practice: (i) core systems engineering processes; (ii) applications of core processes; (iii) advanced topics in systems engineering; and (iv) systems engineering management and development., Fundamentals of Systems Engineering for Defense Systems Applications is a user guide to systems engineering with an emphasis on applications in the defence sector and a practical approach based on putting the theory and tools to work in real-life situations. The book is split into four sections to provide a complete introduction to systems engineering theory and practice: (i) core systems engineering processes; (ii) applications of core processes; (iii) advanced topics in systems engineering; and (iv) systems engineering management and development. Topics covered include: an introduction to systems engineering the phases of systems engineering system trade studies performance-driven requirements system performance evaluation architecting process program complexity evaluation use of leading indicators systems engineering tools service-oriented architectures net-centric systems proven systems engineering management techniques & sample work products developing and maintaining systems engineers' skills and competencies model-based systems engineering and agile development, This highly practical book provides a user guide for both new and experienced practicing systems engineers to execute fundamental systems engineering on real programs. Unlike the theoretical discussions in other books, this title highlights the practices, processes, and procedures that set the stage for the subsequent subsystem design, integration, and test phases of typical programs. This tailored approach enhances independent research and development, prototype, and demonstration efforts. The book is split into four sections to provide a complete introduction to systems engineering theory and practice. Topics covered include: what is systems engineering; phases of systems engineering; system trade studies; performance-driven requirements; system performance evaluation; architecting process; program complexity evaluation; use of leading indicators; systems engineering tools; applications of core system engineering processes; advanced topics in systems engineering; and systems engineering management and development.Written by an experienced author in the field, "Fundamentals of Systems Engineering" includes examples and case studies drawn from his actual career experiences with applications in defense and radar systems, and is amply illustrated with clear original charts and diagrams to support text explanations of the many complex steps.This is essential reading for researchers and students of systems modelling in academia; Systems engineers, requirements engineers, software engineers, systems managers, requirements managers, and systems modellers in industry.

Download Electromagnetics and Radar: Fundamentals of Systems Engineering for Defense Systems Applications by Thomas W. Jeffrey PDF, FB2, MOBI

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