Book So You Want to Be a Lesbian? DJV, MOBI
9780312144234 English 0312144237 So you've heard that lesbians are chic but you still wonder what is all the fuss about a Middle Eastern country? This essential guide to the sapphic landscape will set you straight with its illustrations of key terms, dating tips, lesbian cuisine, haircuts, and much more., So you've heard that lesbians are chic, hot, and the "next big thing" but you still wonder what is all the fuss about a Middle Eastern country? Well, So You Want to Be a Lesbian?is here to rescue America from its confusion. It is the essential travel guide to the Sapphic landscape, illustrating key terms, "coming out" (how to do it without having your aunt collapse in the strudel), and much more. A mix of history, culture, little-known facts about the lesbian nation (hint: don't look for it in an atlas), and dating tips for the confirmed, the soon-to-be-out, and just plain-curious, So You Want to Be a Lesbian?answers the essential questions, pokes fun at lesbian tradition, and provides a road map of where lesbians a road map of where lesbians are heading for the millennium (we've got news for you: it's not Kansas). -Where the girls are-tips for cruising -Sports, vehicles, and places to live -The essentials for a dyke lifestyle -Lesbian studies-the crib notes
9780312144234 English 0312144237 So you've heard that lesbians are chic but you still wonder what is all the fuss about a Middle Eastern country? This essential guide to the sapphic landscape will set you straight with its illustrations of key terms, dating tips, lesbian cuisine, haircuts, and much more., So you've heard that lesbians are chic, hot, and the "next big thing" but you still wonder what is all the fuss about a Middle Eastern country? Well, So You Want to Be a Lesbian?is here to rescue America from its confusion. It is the essential travel guide to the Sapphic landscape, illustrating key terms, "coming out" (how to do it without having your aunt collapse in the strudel), and much more. A mix of history, culture, little-known facts about the lesbian nation (hint: don't look for it in an atlas), and dating tips for the confirmed, the soon-to-be-out, and just plain-curious, So You Want to Be a Lesbian?answers the essential questions, pokes fun at lesbian tradition, and provides a road map of where lesbians a road map of where lesbians are heading for the millennium (we've got news for you: it's not Kansas). -Where the girls are-tips for cruising -Sports, vehicles, and places to live -The essentials for a dyke lifestyle -Lesbian studies-the crib notes